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Delegate smarter

Presented by Nicole Bandes

Virtual A Team

March 29, 11:30 a.m., Gallagher's Grille, 7575 N. 16th Street, Phoenix

$25 cash or check at the door / $26 PayPal or credit card

Make reservations for the event:

Delegate Smarter: We weren't taught how to delegate in school. It isn't a natural skill we were born with.

But it's an essential ingredient in our long-term growth and overall success. It’s critically important that you position your team to be 5 steps ahead of you, without the need to be micromanaged. You may have tried to delegate before and failed.

She's got a fail-proof system to ensure your complete success!

About Nicole:

After losing her 17-year-old son, Nicole Bandes discovered her purpose: encourage others to make time for what matters most.

In 2017, Nicole founded Virtual A Team, a virtual services agency helping overwhelmed coaches who want to define success by the wealth of their lives, not the size of their bank accounts.

Nicole now walks the walk working under 20 hours a week and also hosts Coach’s Copilot: Your Online Business Manager podcast.



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