Influence is Bliss™ by Michelle Cubas
Unravel the mystery of influence to get exactly what you want in life.

July 26, 11:30 a.m.
Phoenix City Grille
$22 cash or check / $23 credit card at the door.
Lead with Impact and Insight whether addressing family or your board of directors. This is Must-Know info! It builds trust and credibility quickly.
The premise is to conserve precious energy and resources essential for entrepreneurial success. This proprietary program creates a simple map to follow built on being conscious of one’s behavior.
How can you boost yours? Consider your good name. Consider the message embedded in your name. What’s it worth to you and your audience? How about a deal sealed with a handshake?
Where has that power gone? My perspective says it has been absorbed by anonymity. As an example, consider Internet dating sites where people upload old or misleading photos and ages. I guess they never intend to actually meet someone.
Credibility is influence's partner. It is the powerful binding ingredient that assists people to know if they would make a good decision to follow you or not. Whether personal or professional (I say there is no difference; business is personal) you are offering a virtual handshake when you contact people. Make it count.
About Michelle: Passionate about her work with individuals, corporate managers, entrepreneurs and business owners, her coaching clients peel away years of ineffective behavior and habits to forge new options for their career and personal fulfillment. Her practice focuses on contemporary business issues, their impact on job creation, hiring, and how to raise Business Literacy™ in companies.
Michelle is a certified enterprise coach and analyst, published business author, publisher, blogger, national public speaker and seminar leader. Her practice focuses on contemporary business issues, their impact on job creation, hiring, and how to raise Business Literacy™ in companies.