Jewelry as a Power Tool for Business by Jewell Chaudhuri
April 26, 2019, Phoenix City Grille, Phoenix, 11:30 a.m.
Opening a Conversation on Women and Power Jewelry, throughout history, has been a symbol; a symbol for wealth, power and status. In this presentation, we’ll begin by exploring our stories about jewelry and what they convey about our power as women and the perceptions that the wearing of jewelry brings. Jewelry is an outward display and manifestation of power. We will then turn to a discussion of other “power tools” that reflect who we are as women and that begin inward. We’ll also discuss tips for engaging our power tools more fully and how to overcome the obstacles that limit the use of our power.

About Jewell: Jewel Ray Chaudhuri, Ph.D. is the founder of Power-Coeur Coaching and Lovebands by Jewel. She works primarily with women professionals who want to succeed as leaders and soar at life, working with the self-doubt and other “isms” that hold women back. She helps them reconnect with their power so they can become visible, authentic and aligned as leaders. A retired, Management Development and Training professional, Jewel’s workshop offerings include: Embracing Your Woman Power: 21 Days to More Impact; Learning from the Body’s Wisdom; and Engaging in Conversations: Lessons from the Argentine Tango. Jewel’s wrote her doctoral dissertation on female leaders and their experiences of power and completed her ontological coach training at Newfield Network. She is also a jewelry artist who resides in the Northwest Valley. Jewell's website:
What to bring: Bring lots of business cards, your energy, and a smile. You might want to bring some cash for our 50/50 and bragging bucks.. Important to know: Make reservations (luncheon is $22 cash or check / $23 credit card at the door) for the April event by April 25 to our reservation line: 601.861.5323 or email to Phoenix City Grille, 5816 N. 16th Street, Phoenix.